Office Cleaning

Office Cleaning, Why is it so important?

According to a study carried out in the University of Kornell in New York, 90% of the companies that maintained clean offices obtained a performance of their employees in up to 15% more on average than those office cleaning that was not.

For this reason, and some others that we will cite later, our Office Cleaning Service in Miami Beach became one of the most cared for, providing office cleaning maintenance and cleaning periodically to achieve optimal performance and thus contribute to the better development of the activities of our customers

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Ready For A Cleaner Office?

At Soflo Cleaning Services, we are aware that the cleaning of offices is a very important point to take into account for any company, and that although it seems obvious, there is a big difference between working in a clean office and working in an office that is not.


The office is one of the places where we spend the most time, so good maintenance is essential. Therefore, we know that training employees conscientiously to be able to provide a better office cleaning service will also help to create a cleaner and more pleasant work environment.

Disadvantages of a not a Clean Office in a company

  • Accumulation of bad odors.
  • Stress due to abundance of elements.
  • Loss of time due to poor organization.
  • Tension with colleagues in shared offices.
  • Bad image for customers.
  • Generates distrust for everyone around the office.
  • On the contrary, a good cleaning of offices tends to propitiate the correct development of our work activity, transmits seriousness, the stay is more pleasant, greater elegance, etc.